1. Look back to your earliest posts. What were your goals? Did you achieve these goals? If so, what did you have to do consistently to achieve the goals? My goal was to pass my classes and regents, I did achieve my goals but not all of them.
2. What are the most important ideas or skills you’ve learned in the last 12 weeks? I've learned about colleges and I've learned how to be a responsible worker.
3. In what ways have your grown as a student and young adult? I've grown on my own.
4. What were the highlights (memorable moments) of your internship experience? Nothing memorable, same thing every day, go to internship and go home.
5. What have you learned about the professional world? I learned that its not easy to do what you don't like.
6. What challenges did you overcome? The challenge was to go there everyday, it makes me feel like I have no life.
7. If you were to start internship next week, what is at least one thing you would do differently? I don't think I would change anything.
8. Think of two to three pieces of advice you could offer a new intern at your site.I say to not miss his internship too often.
9. What will you miss about your internship?Nothing because I still go there every single day.